xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> On the Edge of Beautiful: Discussions with Jack

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Discussions with Jack

While living with two two year olds certainly has its challenges, parenting school-aged children is no walk in the park either. Jack has all the argumentative skills of a campaigning politician. This was what went down in the kitchen this evening:

Matt: "Ok, you guys are no longer allowed to use the sink sprayer. You're getting water everywhere. You don't know how to use it properly."

Jack: "Actually, I do know how to use it and what it's for. It's for washing dishes."

Matt: " Just because you know how something works doesn't mean you are able to use something the right way. For instance, you know how a car works but you aren't ready or able to drive one yet. There are things you don't know about the sprayer.

(And here Matt starts making things up)

We as adults think of things you don't. You don't know about the drain capacity, the water pressure in the hose, what sort of valve is in the sprayer..."

Jack (completely serious): "Well, it's probably a butterfly valve."

Matt started laughing because he wasn't expecting Jack to start naming correct valve terminology (which we later confirmed on Google). So Matt had to act like he was laughing over how absurd Jack's suggestion was: "A butterfly valve? No, no, no..."

But he was thinking "What the hell's a butterfly valve?"

In the end, it was a draw.

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