xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> On the Edge of Beautiful: Random Ramblings

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Random Ramblings

Adults Not Needed

The other day while I was working, Matt and the kids watched Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves. Matt told me that he asked the older two what they would do if Mom and Dad weren't at home for a weekend.

Kate: I would probably clean a bit. And eat healthy food. Well, a little sugary food but not much. Not like those kids (in the movie) were eating."

Jack: I would do a little less homeschooling than usual."

So basically their adult-free weekend would consist of cleaning and some light schoolwork.

Ol' Curly Toe

A couple months ago, I was playing This Little Piggy with Tali and I noticed one of her toes bent under another toe. Here, I'll just show you the picture because I'm sure you're confused (not you specifically, the rest of the readers. You are a shining example of intelligence and wit. Not like the rest of them - you know who I mean):

So today I took her to a pediatric orthopedic clinic to have it checked. Apparently it's congenital thing where the tendon is too short. They might cut it in a quick, 10 minute surgery next year. Or some other time. Orthopedics are a fairly blase group of people when it comes to curly toes.

The doctor and her assistant walked into the room and stop.

Dr: "Oh my gosh, isn't she the cutest thing in the world?"
Asst: "Yes, she is. So cute!"

Me: "Ladies, please. You're embarrassing me. I don't even have makeup on or anything. Stop."

They then proceeded to grill me on her history.

Dr:. "Family history of blah, blah, blah?"

I shrug.

Dr: "How long has her toe been like this?"

I shrug more emphatically.

Dr: "She's so little. Was she premature?"

Me: "Listen, I'm going to stop you right there. All of my answers to those types of questions will be a shrug."

In other news, she's still holding steady at about 20 lbs - my fiesty, little, curly toed girl.

Purple Haze

Just when you think you've gotten through one embarrassing stage of parenting, another one rears its humiliating head. Noah is often without his underwear, either from getting damp or becoming misplaced. Thankfully, Kate's little tushie is about the same size as Noah's shapely one. So more often than not, he is sporting a pair of hers. I don't think about it much. Well, I didn't until yesterday.

We were at small group, all of us adults sitting in the living room while the kids were off playing and watching movies and poking each other with sticks. Noah came into the living room holding his underwear and shorts, having recently visited the bathroom. A hush fell over the room as he waved his purple girl panties towards me. So I felt I had to explain the situation. Much as I had to a year or two ago, when the last pacifiers in the store were pink and purple and we proudly used those until, inevitably, they were lost. Noah? He's just keeping it real.

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