xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> On the Edge of Beautiful: Adoption Update

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Adoption Update

Today I mailed our dossier for the adoption. Dossier (pronounced dossy-ay, it's all kinds of fancy) is the packet of paperwork that gets sent to China. This is what a dossier looks like:

Each of those papers on top is the state seal. Underneath is the original paper (medical exams, homestudy, financial stuff, police checks, etc). Some of the original documents are just one sheet, some are two, some are like 19. Every single page had to be copied twice: once for the Chinese Embassy to keep, and another for our agency. All that paperwork plus a couple checks made out for obscene amounts. So this is what I took to the post office this morning:

I used to wonder why more people don't adopt. This is why.

That packet represents about 8 months of work and hours and hours of appointments, copying papers, getting things notarized and signed. It was odd at times. I would say things like "Hey guys, be quiet! Could you just watch your movie in peace?" And then go back to filling out papers that proved we were good parents. This big hurdle is done now. I should be relieved. I should be excited. But I'm worried that I forgot something and it's going to be a ridiculous problem. And I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I just dropped $43 to mail three documents.

It's a tough process and I'm trying to trust God that He has this all planned out and has for awhile. While we cried and talked and prayed about this months and months ago, He already knew her.

About a week ago I was stressing about getting all these papers together and I was talking to a good friend on the phone. I'm so thankful for her and her heart for adoption. The one thing she said that I carry with me is this: Savor this time, for it is the start of her story.

Oh man. That's good stuff.

Everyday I have to give this process to him. Everyday I have to trust the One who is unfailingly trustworthy with my child - and it's so difficult.

I have to remind myself that He keeps His promises.

I have to tell myself that He sees the road on and on ahead of us.

And to trust Him with our daughter whom we've never met - we've never even seen.

Because He knows the contours of her face.
He knows the exact shade of her brown eyes.
He knows the sound of her soft sweet breathing when she sleeps.

And when I was putting together all these papers during the bright light of a Florida afternoon, I would remind myself that on the other side of the world, my daughter slept.

I would sign those papers during the day and know that that same sun would greet my sweet girl the next morning.

And one day, we will feel the sunshine on our faces together and I will thank Him for His faithfulness.

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