xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> On the Edge of Beautiful: Morning Conversation with Jack

Friday, May 3, 2013

Morning Conversation with Jack

This morning I was idly scrolling through the news stories on MSN and contemplating the deep things in life. It's rainy and chilly here. Rained all day yesterday and today and probably tomorrow. I like rainy days here like I liked sunny days in Kodiak, AK. Something different. It's exciting. Rainy days here are a welcome break from the sun and I'm looking forward to sitting in the screened in porch today, reading books and watching the rain while the kids color.

Last night we had a friend over for dinner and he brought ice cream and toppings for dessert (Hi Ginny!). He brought a bottle of Magic Shell. Neither Matt nor I had ever tried it so it was quite a delicious experience. You pour it over ice cream and it hardens like those dipped cones. While I was wondering what component in the sauce makes it harden like that, Jack walks into the homeschool room.

Jack: "Do I look like an adult?"

He's wearing jeans, sneakers and a hooded jacket. None of his clothes ever contain cartoon characters or Pokemon or anything like that so sure, his clothes could pass for a teen or young adult.

Me: "I suppose so. Why, do you want to look like an adult?"

Jack: "Yes, and I won't be a teenager for 6 more years. It's so long!"

Me: "It will be here soon. Why do you want to be a teenager so much?"

Jack: "Hopefully by the time I'm a teenager I'll already be in college. I'd like to start when I'm 12. Then I'll have my Bachelor's at 16 and if I get good grades I can get into medical school at 18. I'll be a doctor when I'm 22 and a surgeon at 28. Then I'll be Chief of Surgery at 40. I don't want to be too old when I become Chief you know. When I'm 70 I'll probably retire and do an easier job. Like driving trains."

Nothing makes you feel like a slug more than pondering ice cream while still in your pajamas as your 7 year old maps out his life plan.


He had to run and get his heart model for the picture.