xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> On the Edge of Beautiful: What Happened Last Night

Friday, January 24, 2014

What Happened Last Night

You know, with a title like that, I really wish this were a more interesting post. Like on our wedding night, Matt and I went in search of an all night diner and got hopelessly lost at 1 am in a bad part of town. We got picked up by a cop who was driving a deliciously steaming stack of pizzas back to his precinct (or whatever that's called) and taken back to our hotel and I was slightly miffed he didn't offer us a slice because it was our WEDDING NIGHT and we were hungry.

But that's not this story.

It's been pretty cold here in FL lately. Like frost at night and bundling up for the sunny 45 degree afternoon and feeling like your face is going to crack with cold.

We've become wimps about the weather. Sometimes we'll turn to each other and say "How did we survive Alaska in the winter?" Of course, it was Kodiak Island, which is pretty darn south of most everything else in AK and it was basically rainy all the time. We did get snow in the winter and I vividly remember one day our heat went out and we took the dog to a local state park and trudged through the falling snow waiting for the oil to get delivered. You could see your breath in our house. And yet we were pretty nonchalant about the whole thing. The saving grace to all of that was that Kodiak Island is hands down one of the prettiest places ever. On a sunny day, you almost crawl out of your skin with the sheer beauty of it all.

But the fact is, I love the Sun. I really really do. I like flip flops and floating in my pool with a book and feeling the warmth on my face.

Now if it's cold we wear multiple layers and make a fire and drink hot beverages and curse our very existence. It's like 50 degrees outside. Pathetic really.

So last night we dressed the kids in fleece pajamas and sent them to bed with lots of blankets. Our room and the girls' room are on the outside walls so they get pretty cold in the winter. We put a heater in the girls room for these nights. On our bed is the top sheet, the quilt, the down comforter (hauled down from AK) and a fleece blanket. I was wearing a long sleeved shirt and flannel pajamas and slept on a heating pad because that's how ridiculous we are now.

Maybe it was the heating pad or the avocado dip last night. Whatever it was, I had a dream last night. I dreamed Matt and I were adopting two 4 year old boys from different countries - Greece and Albania (it was here in the retelling that my friend Rosie said "So a nightmare?"). I woke up and my right hand was asleep, probably exhausted from trying to slap me awake.

This morning Noah woke up at 6:30, which is the usual time for all of time (We keep saying "You guys can sleep in as late as you want! No school! You have no idea how lucky you are!). Strangely, all the other kids were still asleep. So I brought him back to our bed and he fell asleep for another hour. At 7:30, Matt was in the shower and Kate and the dog, Toby, rushed into our room. Toby licked me as he ran past the bed and I said "Aw, no."

Noah: "What, Mama?"

Me: "Toby licked my head."

Noah cocked his head and pointed to mine and asked quizzically "That one?"

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