xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> On the Edge of Beautiful: The Days Are Just Filled...

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Days Are Just Filled...

On Wednesday we had Tali's 6 month follow up cardiology appointment. She had another echo and ekg and our sweet cardiologist said everything looked good but that Tali had to go home with a Halter monitor, which straps on her chest and captures her rhythm for 24 hours, just to make sure the surgery didn't cause any arrhythmias and such.

She did great through the echo and the technicians kept commenting on it but I'm pretty sure relaxing on a pillowed table watching Mickey Mouse and getting slathered with warm gel sure beats whatever she got in China. By the time they started sticking on the tabs for the EKG, she had had enough. She kept saying "No" forcefully in her sweet little tinny voice.

A couple weeks ago Jack asked me to email our cardiologist to ask her if she could please see if there was a pediatric heart surgeon available to talk with Jack. Have I mentioned how much I love our doctor? She told Jack that there was a heart surgeon whose case was canceled that morning and he was waiting for us. How awesome is that? We trooped across the street to the main hospital and made our way to the doctors' building.

The surgeon was super sweet and kind, taking lots of time to answer Jack's questions. Apparently our cardiologist told the surgeon about Jack's surgical tools and he asked to see them. Jack pulled them out of the diaper bag and spread them on his desk. He went through each one, showing Jack how to use them. He and Jack discussed oxygen distribution to the various organs and how much education is involved in becoming a surgeon. My favorite part was when he went through the questions and got to "What's your favorite part about your job?" and he got this look of contentment on his face and stated "When the patient wakes up after surgery and they get to go home with their families and live their life." That is good stuff.

He made Jack promise to come back to visit every year and keep him informed of how he was doing in his quest to become a surgeon. This guy is one of the good ones.

The surgeon was really smiley, I just didn't capture it.

We ate lunch at the hospital's Chik-Fil-A (Jack about had a coronary about a fast food place in a hospital) but we made it better by sharing fries and nuggets and drinking water. Looking forward to meeting him every year at Tali's appointment!

Later that day we had small group at our house. As soon as people were filtering in, a friend in the group pointed out the fact that Noah had no underwear on and was walking around with...evidence of a certain body function hanging from his behind. We rushed to get him cleaned up. I'm in the bathroom, desperately cleaning water and toilet paper off the floor and wiping down the toilet seat with Lysol (Noah tries to get to the toilet and it gets a little sloppy) while I am calling out a welcoming greeting to people coming in. Oh, and the septic was still sluggish from all the rain we've had so it was hard to hide the evidence.

Later in the evening we noticed Tali had wiggled out of her diaper and was strolling around the group members cool and free. We are just classy like that. I began the day shaking hands with a heart surgeon and ended it chasing toddlers around with baby wipes. Yes indeed.

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