xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> On the Edge of Beautiful: 'My Heart Will Go On' will not be featured in this post

Saturday, July 28, 2012

'My Heart Will Go On' will not be featured in this post

11 years ago today, Matt and I got married. We planned a staycation (I can say that because I'm hip) this weekend. We dropped the kids off with my parents (tires squealing, gravel flying) yesterday and began our weekend of eating out, lounging by the pool and eating ice cream in the morning. Last night we went out to dinner and then went for a dip in the pool at 10 pm. 10 pm - we're just plain crazy! The moon and stars were out, which was lovely. The bug zapper was also on so we floated around to the melodious sounds of insect death. Also, we spotted a frog frantically swimming around the edge and I'd like to think he was that frantic before he noticed us stepping in sans suits. Otherwise I'd take it personally. Matt scooped out the frog and shooed him toward the grass. That's right. Skinny-dipping saves lives. I should make a plaque.

If I was a sweeter, more romantic person, I would wax eloquently about marriage and love and dedicate whole stanzas of Jay-Z/Backstreet Boys/Celine Dion songs to him and surround my words with those little black hearts, to let people know how much in love we are. But I'm not.

We drove separately last night, as Matt met me after work.

(Side note: I got my hair cut and highlighted yesterday, which I hardly ever do. I know what you're thinking - 'I'm shocked. She looks like she spends so much money and time on herself.' But I don't. The lady (well, girl really) who cut my hair combed through my 3 in roots and asked as politely as she could "Who did your hair last time?" Well, that would be me. Matt said "You should have told her some woman in Macclenny who doesn't know what she's doing.". It was a very modern place, with hair dryers that came down from a bar on the ceiling and my stylist used to be a Parisian model. After a while of talking and laughing, she said "You're so funny and nice. You're the best client because you don't care and just trust me. And you make me laugh." Aside from sounding like a dating service, I really didn't believe her because I am deeply suspicious of people who compliment me right before I tip them. And of course you would say my hair looks great - you did it.)

Anyway, after dinner I followed Matt back to our house. Only instead of getting on 95 N, he got on 95S. So, I figured he had some sort of plan or else he was disoriented after being in a shopping center for so long. I follow him onto the ramp and then notice something. Oh...shoot. I've been following a white Ford Focus instead of a white Hyaundai...whatever it is. So I drove to the next exit and turned around. I was hoping that I wasn't so late that Matt would notice but of course he had. When I got home he said "What happened? I drove slow, waiting for you to catch up. I thought about pulling over and waiting for you. I tried to call you but you left your purse in my car. I just assumed you went the wrong way or hit something." Then I was all indignant that he would assume that even though that is, in fact, what happened.

When we got up this morning (7:30 is sleeping in now. I usually wake up to Katie next to my bed saying "Noah's awake. Can I go talk to him?") I asked Matt what we were planning on doing this morning. He said "Well, I need to go to Ace and get a new breaker for the breaker box. I also need to go to the bank and the dump."
