xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> On the Edge of Beautiful: Introducing...

Friday, April 19, 2013


This is probably the most exciting blog post. Ever. In the history of the posts. Because this is our daughter:

Isn't she ridiculously, almost absurdly adorable and sweet?

Less than two weeks after our documents were sent to China, we got a phone call from our agency telling us they had a referral for us. I really prayed and prayed that the good Lord would sent us our daughter on our first referral because who wants the agony of rejecting a child?

Our wonderful case worker told us her birthday (12/16/11) and her special needs (several heart defects - TOF, VSD, pulmonary hypertension, etc). Perhaps it was just Jack, who really wanted a baby with heart defects so he could go to the cardiology visits. Although we marked that we were open to a good number of special needs, I felt strongly that we were to have a heart baby.

I hung up the phone (well, pushed the red phone button on my cell) and went to my email to see the referral. When her name popped up on the screen, I said aloud: "Oh my goodness, it's Peggy."

A few months after we began this process, I idly scrolled through our agency's photo lists. They sponsor several orphanages and hold camps throughout the year where the agency workers go and visit with the kids and get videos and photos to advocate for them.

I saw this picture one day:

Her age, her special need, the way her baby pants look like old man pants, her tiny little feet.

I remember thinking she was perfect. And hoping we could find a little one just like her when it was time for our referral. Because there was no way she'd still be available. Lots of people are looking to adopt young kids, babies and toddlers, and especially girls. Not sure if people think raising girls is easier or what. Have you ever argued with a 5 year old girl, who raises her tiny eyebrows and puts her hands on her hips like she's a very small sorority sister about to get all crazy on you?

I digress. I do remember thinking "Who names a baby Peggy?"

Apparently, this guy does:

His shirt and his friendly face all point to a sense of humor. The story behind the name Peggy is actually rather humorous. She was left outside the orphanage gate at 4 months old, apparently with a note that stated her birth date. She was so malnourished (maybe 5 lb at 4 months) that she drank bottle after bottle after bottle. This guy thought it was so funny he named her 'Piggy.' My agency photoshopped an 'e' on her name sign in this picture to make it a name.

I had envisioned an orphanage worker watching American sitcom reruns late at night, jotting down names for the kids. Perhaps 'Married with Children' was running right as she arrived. I imagined little Eds and Bobs running around, maybe a group of girls named Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, and Sophia.

But that's the story of little baby Peggy. I read her referral, just shocked that she was still available. Called Matt, he thought she sounded like our daughter. Called our case worker and asked why her file was still up. She said that China just released her file two days ago. The past few weeks and months of set-backs and stupid things I forgot to do all seemed to make sense now. We were supposed to get our documents to China on Good Friday because she was almost ready for us.

She needs surgery to repair some heart defects and has some delays due to those issues and early malnutrition and probable premature status. But her cognitive development is good and I got to speak with the head of our agency, who met her right after she was found (she is the lady holding Peggy's foot in the picture with the blue cup). She said although she was tiny, she followed people and things. Her eyes were lively and focused.

She is 4 months younger than Noah. He weighs 25 lb. She weighs 12. 12! Like a 3 month old. Oh, she's going to need some love. And good food. And brothers and parents and a sister who adore her.

I will keep our name we have chosen for her for the next post.


  1. When do you get to go get baby Putney???

  2. Yeah!!! Congrats!!! God's timing...

  3. God's timing indeed! Jacque, probably September. Maybe even August. Jack is hoping to have his birthday in China. :)

  4. congratulations! she is simply beautiful!
    I got the link to your lovely blog from your mother-in-law, I am lucky enough to get to work with her up here, boy are we going to miss her when she heads your direction but I am so happy for her that she will get to love on this precious little one.
    I am also a part of the adoption community, my son came home from Ethiopia 8 months ago
    I look forward to following the rest of your journey :)


    1. Wow, long time in replying! Mom told me about your journey - what a sweet little guy! We are very happy to have Mom and Dad closer, our kids are excited for sure. Thanks for sharing your story as well!
